Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Order of Knight Masons

Knight Masonry is a chivalric fraternal Masonic Order which confers three Degrees of symbolic and moral value. These Masonic Degrees continue the story of the Temple in Jerusalem and in an Irish context completes the Masonic 
Legend of the Temple.

The Degrees in Knight Masonry are: The Knight of the Sword; Knight of the East and Knight of the East and West.

While the subject matter of these degrees can be found within various Masonic Orders around the world under the Grand Council of Knight Masons are they communicated in the most detail and in their complete form.

The content of the Degrees seems to be as old as Freemasonry itself and for centuries
it has been regarded as a vital part of the Masonic Journey of Light discovery in other Masonic bodies.  
Any Master Mason, who is also a Mark Master Mason and Royal Arch Mason in
good standing may be invited for participation.

It is often said that Knight Masonry is the friendliest and most relaxed of all our Masonic branches. Whilst Knight Masonry is a global institution, Councils are fraternally bound together. Our annual festive board is truly a relaxing and enjoyable gathering of brothers. By becoming a Knight Mason, one discovers a closer degree of friendship and fellowship with brethren of similar mind.

Irish Universal Freemasonry records three outstanding events in the history of the
Judean people;  The building of King Solomon’s Temple depicted in Craft Freemasonry; the reconstruction of that Temple; and the quest by Zerubabbel, a Prince of the House Judah, to build a Second Temple. 
Becoming a Knight Mason completes the unique sequence of events

The ceremonies are evocative and convey strong lessons of truth, virtue and integrity.  As an invitational body every Knight Mason should take seriously their desire to associate and fellowship with their invitational hosts.

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